2023 Year in Review

I’ve placed nothing in magazines, but received the best rejections of my life. I’ve published next to nothing on my blog and Substack, but I have more followers on my TikTok account than I ever thought I would have. I’ve also logged the least amount of hours for writing this year than any other year … Continue reading 2023 Year in Review

2022 Year in Review

If you’re sick of yearly round ups from people who’ve written a million words, climbed Mt. Fuji using only their hands, and developed rippling abs, you’ve come to the right place. I set many resolutions last year and kept only one of them.  But many wonderful things happened this year that I never expected. I wanted to share the numbers and explain how they don’t express the larger message: that I’m getting close to writing the kinds of stories I’ve always wanted to write, and the life to support my writing. This is the fifth data-backed story of my year.

2019 Year in Review

I was going to post this in January 2020. Then February. Then March. And then the months smeared together when the pandemic erased everything.  2019 was not a great year writing-wise. But you should see it, and I should own it.  Lots of things happened this year. My part-time job turned into full-time, with all … Continue reading 2019 Year in Review

2018 Year in Review

This article was originally posted on longhandhabits.com. It’s been a year. Quite a year.  I won a local writing competition and received an honorable mention in another. I learned how to be a full time writer and build up knowledge around self-publishing, writing, editing, marketing, and blogging. I restarted my blog and have been keeping … Continue reading 2018 Year in Review